臨床小児科: オープンアクセス

臨床小児科: オープンアクセス

ISSN: 2572-0775


A Pilot Study to Establish National Diagnostic Reference Levels for Paediatric Computed Tomography in Cameroon

Fotso Kamdem Eddy*, Samba Odette Ngano, Donfack Bernard, Abogo Serge, Tambe Joshua, Mballa Amougou Jean claude, Guegang Emilienne, Zeh Odile Fernande, Nguemgne Célestine, Nwedjiwe Nana Narcisse Fidèle, Fotue Alain Jervé

This study reports results from the largest national dose survey in pediatric computed tomography (CT) in Cameroon. The main purpose of this pilot study was to etablish the national diagnostic reference level (NDRL) of computed tomography (CT) examinations to optimise medical exposure in pediatric medical imaging centers in Cameroon. This work was performed for 15 CT scanners installed in various parts of the Cameroon region. Data were collected for 1269 pediatric patients.For each patient, Volume CT Dose Indexes (CTDIvol) and Dose Length Product (DLP) in each group were recorded and their third quartile was calculated and set as NDRL. Pediatrics were divided into four age groups andyears. Then, the third quartile values for head were, respectively, calculated for each group in terms of CTDIvol: 34.2, 36.6, 39.5 and 49.6 mGy; and in terms of DLP: 710.1, 838.4, 964 and 1177.2 mGy.cm. The collected data for CT examinations for chest and abdomen for this study were low. Finally, NDRLs were compared with other countries and international studies. As a result, DLP values were superior than other national and international studies. Variation of scan parameters (tube voltage (kVp), tube current (mAs) and scan length)), CTDIvol and DLP of different procedures among different age groups were statistically significant (P-value ). The variations in dose between CT departments as well as between identical CT scanners suggest a large potential for optimization of examinations. DRLs reported in this article can be used in this country with sufficient medical physics support to identify non-optimised practice. This study provides helpful data for optimization pediatric CT scan.

免責事項: この要約は人工知能ツールを使用して翻訳されたものであり、まだレビューまたは検証されていません。