

ISSN: 2161-1017


Advanced Granulosa Cell Tumor and Pregnancy: A Case Report, How to Treat and How to Preserve Fertility?

Aymen FM, Majed G, Hanene C, Joumana L, Amin B

Granulosa cell tumors of the ovary are rare ovarian malignancy developed on stromal ovarian cells and characterized by estrogen secretion. Histologically, there are divided on two types: adult granulosa tumors, which are more frequent and occurring in perimenopausal and post-menopausal women and juvenile granulosa tumors, which are rarer and occurring in teenager and adolescent girls.
The association between GCT and pregnancy is a rare condition with therapeutic challenge consisting on the pregnancy and the fertility outcome in a hand and the oncological results in the other. We present a case report of an adult granulosa cell tumor discovered fortuitously during caesarian section. We report the management of this tumor and the way to preserve the fertility.
