

ISSN: 2311-3278


Alternative Dispute Resolution Mechanisms in India for Code of Civil Procedure

Yash Batra*

We have seen besides than court system, there are other ways for people to solve the dispute. There have been extraordinary efforts to develop strategies aimed at more effective, less costly, and more satisfying resolution of conflict, including more wide and proper use of mediation and other “alternative dispute resolution” (ADR) methods. The research paper studies the relationship between ADR and court trial but also emphasizes the wider uses of and rationale for mediation and other procedure choices. It shows the positive sign of cost and time savings and plentiful other benefits of some court-annexed ADR programs, it is evident that much depends on the shape and structure of such procedures. ADR in commercial sectors suggests that the practice of mediation has grown in recent years, reflecting insights that it offers significant potential benefits to the business. In this research paper, the effort has been done to analyze the research questions, hypothesis, research methods, meaning of ADR, methods of ADR in India, provisions relating to ADR, the role of legal practitioners during ADR procedure in India.
