

ISSN: 2150-3508


Biological Phosphorus Harvesting for Multiple Uses: A New Scientific Vision

Yadav RC

In this study method of harnessing biological Phosphorus (P), an important food and nutritional element for animals and nutrient for vegetation plants, making non dispensable use of water and linking aquatic and terrestrial ecosystems, are dealt with. The methods were devised for biological phosphorus harvesting from the birds feeding on the aquatic ecosystems, secondary consumers such as insects, flees, mosquitoes and fish fingerlings. The study substantiated availability potential of the P by using long time (about 75 years before) published academically accepted data. The measures developed for the harvesting of the biological phosphorous are fact based, feasible and sure to successfully work for the purpose intended for. Although, the quantum of collection will be small, but the material requirement for the useful purposes is also very small. Thus, this study presented a new scientific vision for the scientific development of global concern with regard to phosphorus, its multiple industrial uses and possibility of augmenting supply of source material. The study further broadens utility of terrestrial and terrestrial cum aquatic systems of ongoing fisheries and different bird's rearing farms viz poultry, duck and aquatic bird rearing and harnessing their droppings in this domain. There is scope for up-scaling of this research for further exploration of Iodine (I), another important nutrient derived from sea ​​and ocean ecosystem and customization in the local domain.

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