受精ジャーナル:体外受精 - 体外受精 - 世界中、生殖医学、遺伝学、幹細胞生物学

受精ジャーナル:体外受精 - 体外受精 - 世界中、生殖医学、遺伝学、幹細胞生物学

ISSN: 2375-4508


Discoveries and Applications of Embryology

Michael Astuti

Embryology, the study of embryonic development, provides a window into the miraculous process of life unfolding from a single cell into a complex, multicellular organism. This branch of biology has been instrumental in unraveling the mysteries of how organisms grow and develop, shedding light on the intricate dance of genes, cells, and environment that shapes every living being. As we venture further into the world of embryology, we will uncover its profound influence on our understanding of life's origins and its enduring impact on the realms of science and medicine. In this article, we will delve into the captivating world of embryology, exploring the stages of development, key discoveries, and its relevance in modern science and medicine.

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