エンジニアリング、デザイン、テクノロジーのグローバル ジャーナル

ISSN: 2319-7293


Importance of Transfer Mechanism of Hot Rolled Products in Rolling Industries

S.E.Dhage, Dr. A .V.Vanalkar & Prof P.R.Gajbhiye

In many industries material handling system plays very important role for increasing efficiency of industry. Now a day in many steel industry hot roll product handle manually due this accident chances accruing. In this paper the study is carried out on handling of the hot product by wheel trolleys mechanism .It transfers hot product in one source to one destination for that it’s required to design all the component of wheel trolleys mechanism like load on structural frame, gear train ratio, chain drive system and power. In previous paper the discussion on the generalized design consideration for wheel trolleys mechanism was discussed. Now the fabrication of this mechanism has been completed and ready installed in industry for successful working.

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