

ISSN: 2161-0495


Prevalence of Ingestion Poisoning in Patients Who are Admitted in Rims Hospital

Bindu Madhuri, Allu Harikrishna, Sravanthi M and Pravalika P

Background: Poisoning is a major problem in children all over the world. However, the offending agent and the associated Morbidity and mortality vary from place to place and change over a period of time. Historically toxicology has been defined as the “basis of therapeutic and experimental medicine”.

Materials and methods: The present study deals with precipitating factors for ingesting poisons and other phenomenon associated with patients to support the development of more efficacious preventive strategies. The objective of this study is to characterize the epidemiology, type of substance and precipitating factors for the Intentional poisoning (Self-poisoning). This study was conducted based on prospective and observational study carried out for a period of 6 months. Result: In our study rural area people mostly effected with poisoning, The order of the cases reported to the hospital were pesticides, house hold agent, medication, plant toxins, cosmetics, unknown substances. Incidences due to house hold agents were significantly higher 46.6% in young adult females. Poisoning incidences were higher in the age group 21-30 years 42.69% compared to other age groups.

Discussion: Out of 300 poisoning cases 96 intentional (self-poisoning) patients in that our study shows most of the female patients were affected with house hold poisoning (46.6%) where same as the other studies indicates young age group patients were affected.

Conclusion: Higher awareness is required to prevent poisoning among the population. Motivational counselling to the patients to avoid suicidal poisoning.
