ISSN: 2169-0111
scopes in the biomedical industry. Such materials are usually designed via chemical and physical methods of genetic engineering. According to the genetic basis of sequence, molecular weight, folded structure, and stereochemistry, protein polymers thus suggest a generous view for the architecture of protein-based genetically engineered biomaterials.The scopes of developing genetically engineered biomaterials are leading to improve biological features of materialswhich can enhance the applicability and properties of materials. In the last five years, Genetic engineering research isbecoming closer to the mass consumer. Leading global geneticists predict that in the coming years, a boom will occurin the genetic engineering market, comparable to the massive spread of personal computers in the 1980s. Thus genetically modified biomaterials with upgraded biological properties, expanding towards mass-scale industrialproduction, and the considerable consumption in regular universal activities.The techniques used to develop new materials and to modify the properties of existing materials, are subjected to different industries and fields of scientific researches. CRISPR is an authoritative research tool that facilitatesscientists to deal with the expression of a gene. It has shown tremendous potential in genome research due to its ability to delete unwanted traits, and possibly even replace them with desirable traits. It is agile, worthwhile, and more authentic than any preceding gene-editing techniques. Genetically engineered biomaterials have been anenormous field of research over the last fifteen years and CRISPR has already performed a significant aspectin boosting bio