

ISSN: 2381-8719


Seismostructural Interpretation of “Bridge” Field in the Onshore Niger Delta

Ukpong Unyime Ezekiel*

Structural interpretation of 3D seismic data from the onshore eastern part of Coastal Swamp Depobelt of the Niger Delta was carried-out to identify and characterize the hydrocarbon entrapment structures present in the field. The standard method of fault identification, which was also aided by the application of some seismic volume attribute such as structural smoothing, variance edge, etc., delineation of horizons on the seismic volume, generation of time and depth maps, were utilized in this study. A total of thirty-two (32) growth faults (F1 to F32), each trending and dipping in various directions, were identified, from where faults model of the field has been generated. Three horizons were delineated at shallow, intermediate and deeper levels. Faults polygons were incorporated into the horizons which were then used to generate a time map that was converted to depth maps using the available check shot data. The dominant structures that may possibly trap hydrocarbon in the field are faulted rollover anticlines.
