

ISSN: 2327-4972


Sexual Health Behaviours: HIV/STI Risk Perception among Namibian University Students

Jenyo Toyin Olawale and Ojiezeh Tony Ifeanyi

Background: The attitude of young people towards the use of contraceptives differs and it is linked with their sexuality. One of the most frequent assertions for the lack of use of the condoms as contraceptive is that boys did not like using them because it reduces the feeling and pleasure during intercourse and some of the young mothers’ belief that putting on condom just prior to intercourse did interrupt the spontaneous feelings during sexual intimacy.

Methods: Data was collected using self completed questionnaires for quantitative cross-sectional survey among students in classes selected through simple random sampling in each stratum (University Campus). Relationship between independent variables (method of contraception, misconceptions about the role of contraceptives in preventing STIs/HIV, transactional sex, HIV/STIs Risk perception of young people) and dependents variable (multiple sexual partners) was measured using multivariate model of logistic regression analysis.

Results: Among sexually active students, condom use was 88.7%, abstinences 10.1% and did not use anything 1.3%. In thirty days under study about 20.0% have had sex at least twice, 8.2% more than four times and 37.4% did not have vaginal sex. Other forms of intercourse observed among the respondents are oral and anal sex which recorded 11.5% and 2.0% respectively. Only 13.9% have had transactional sex within the last 12 months.

Conclusion: Some risky sexual practices such as multiple sexual partners, anal and oral sex and having unprotected vaginal intercourse were noted among the students, despite regular campaigns in media. However, it is a general belief that, the use of contraceptive like condom may interrupt spontaneous arousal feeling and pleasure during intercourse against the backdrop of likelihood of HIV/STDs infection and unwanted pregnancy. Therefore, more rigorous campaign from government at all levels is recommended.

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