

ISSN: 2572-4916


SRT2183 と SRT1720 は、Sirt1 の有無にかかわらず、破骨細胞の形成と吸収を阻害するが、レスベラトロールは阻害しない。

ラムクマール ティヤガラジャン、マリア ロドリゲス ゴンザレス、キャサリン ゾー、ケネス ラッド セルディーン、ミレヤ ヘルナンデス、マンホイ パン、ブルース ロバート トロエン*

Background: Osteoclastic bone resorption markedly increases with aging, leading to osteoporosis characterized by weak and fragile bones. Mice exhibit greater bone resorption and poor bone mass when Sirt1 is removed from their osteoclasts. Here we investigated the ex vivo impacts of putative Sirt1 activators, Resveratrol (RSV), SRT2183, and SRT1720, on osteoclast formation and activity in primary mouse bone marrow cells (BMCs) derived from wild-type (WT) and osteoclast specific Sirt1 knockout (OC-Sirt1KO) mice and in the RAW264.7 mouse macrophage cell line.

Results: We found that SRT2183 and SRT1720 inhibit the formation of osteoclasts and actin belts in BMCs and RAW264.7 cells, whereas RSV does not. We also observed that the OC-Sirt1KO mice exhibited less bone mineral density, and the BMCs harvested from these mice yielded more osteoclasts than BMCs harvested from littermate controls. Interestingly, both SRT2183 and SRT1720 reduced osteoclast and actin belt formation in BMCs from OCSirt1KO mice. SRT2183 and SRT1720 also significantly disrupted actin belts of mature osteoclasts generated from BMCs of WT mice, within 3 and 6 hours of administration, respectively. Furthermore, these compounds inhibited the resorption activity of mature osteoclasts, while RSV did not.

Conclusion: Our findings suggest SRT2183 and SRT1720 impede bone resorption by disrupting actin belts of mature osteoclasts, inhibit actin belt formation, and inhibit osteoclastogenesis even in the absence of Sirt1. Thus, the mechanism of action of these compounds appears to extend beyond Sirt1 activation and possibly pave the way for potential new therapies in alleviating osteoporosis associated bone loss.

免責事項: この要約は人工知能ツールを使用して翻訳されたものであり、まだレビューまたは検証されていません。