

ISSN: 2169-0286


The Effects of Transactional and Transformational Leadership on Organizational Commitment in Hotels: The Mediating Effect of Trust

Chun-Fang Chiang and Yi-Ying Wang

This study examined the causal relationship among transactional leadership and transformational leadership as well as dimensions of trust and organizational commitment, and confirmed cognitive trust and affective trust play mediators between leadership and organizational commitment from Taiwan’s hotel employees’ perceptive. Results showed that transformational leadership had positive influences on cognitive and affective trust. Transactional leadership had negative effect on cognitive trust. Cognitive trust had positive effect on continuance commitment. Affective trust had positive influences on normative and affective commitment. Cognitive trust played a full mediator between transformational leadership and continuance commitment. Affective trust played a partial mediator between transformational leadership and normative commitment as well as between transformational leadership and affective commitment.
