ISSN: 2385-5495
Van Duy Dao
背景: EQ が低い: 自閉症の子供は寓話や比喩を理解しません。遺伝子のせいで EQ や認知的思考が劣ることはありません。トレーナーは、基本的なサポートがあればどんなスキルも習得できることを知っています。
方法:ストレス状態では、主に 3 つのホルモンが体内で作用して、身体を闘争または逃走に備えさせます。これらの 3 つのホルモンは、エピネフリン、ノルエピネフリン、およびコルチゾンです。これらのホルモンは、身体のその他の多くの変化と他のホルモンを活性化し、身体が生存機能の準備をします。ストレス下にある子供は、ストレスの下降スパイラルで無意識のうちに他のストレスを感じる傾向があります。子供がストレスを受けるほど、学習能力が低下し、社会スキルのレベルが低下します。満たされていない生活環境は、条件反射によって説明できる自閉症の子供の奇妙な行動を引き起こす可能性があります。彼らは通常のもの、出来事に対して奇妙な反応を示します。そして、これらの反応は、「闘争」または「逃走」または「無関心」にまとめることができます。これらの反応は、自閉症の子供の心の状態について教えてくれます。そして、反応のパターン、環境の変化に対する特定の反応の変動は、自閉症やADHDの原因、自閉症やADHDの予測と効果的な介入についての手がかりを与えてくれます。
Results: All in One, One in All Dear Neurologist, psychiatrist, sociologist, gastroenterologist, urologist, educators, sleep therapists, cardiologist, language therapists, educators, trainers, teachers: there is no separation in the health of heart, stomach, muscle, cognitive thinking, sleeping, hormone system: all are interdependent and under the state of mind. Remember when working with the mind: irrational mind, the giant brain evolved for millions of years, illogical mind and Placebo effects, Neuro-plasticity, Mirror neurons, self-affirmation, self-talk, nocebo effects, T1/2 of all substances, taboos, rituals, religious belief, compound effects, conditioned responses, flexible adaptability, illusive mind, self-healing or self-destroying, irrational thinking, Subliminal message, Marketing of luxury brand, and Hysteria: what do we feed the mind of beings every day? And what if all of these lead to negativity or positivity? Maybe Outliers or Failures!
One minute of bombing, earthquake, fear, hysterical stress the killing can affect their whole life. It creates the conditioned of Fight and Flight that they cannot consciously control. How do we know they are under stress: read their behaviors, read the body language. In stress state, stress chemicals: adrenalin, noradrenalin, and cortisol will dominate the body. The effect of these stress chemicals listed in any medical book and look closer we can see all these effects are available in kids, to some extents, the effects caused by stress chemicals are the best answer for the autistic rainbow. Sorry, they are not happy with the label “Gifted”. The light at the end of the tunnel: Nick Vujicic, Hellen Keller, Franklin D. Rosevelt, Steven Hawking, Paralympic athletes are disabled. As pharmacists, we do not dispense prescribed medication to healthy ones. Asking the sages: “How are there so various people in the world?” he answered “Only babies are born!” and he smiled “We are living on the heavenly earth.” “It is the Nature, not God” Please do the studies to redefine clearly these facts in our society so that we have an effective prediction, prevention and cure for mental health and social problems