ISSN: 2155-983X
経皮薬物送達は医療現場に多大な貢献をしてきましたが、経口送達や皮下注射に代わる選択肢としての可能性をまだ十分に発揮できていないようです。初期の経皮送達システムは、少量で親油性の低用量薬物の送達を目的とした臨床用途で、着実に成長を続けています。人工エンハンサー、非キャビテーション超音波、イオントフォレシスを使用した第 2 世代の送達システムも医療製品を生み出しました。イオントフォレシスの送達速度を制御する能力は、常にさらなる有用性をもたらします。第 3 世代の送達システムは、マイクロニードル、温熱除去、マイクロダーマブレーション、エレクトロポレーション、キャビテーション超音波を使用して、皮膚の角質層のバリア層への効果に焦点を当てています。マイクロニードルと温熱除去は現在、インスリン、副甲状腺ホルモン、インフルエンザ抗体などの高分子やワクチンの送達を目的とした臨床試験を進めています。これらの新しい第 2 世代および第 3 世代のアップグレード システムを利用することで、経皮投与は医薬品に根本的な影響を与えることができます。
Transdermal conveyance speaks to an appealing option in contrast to oral conveyance of medications and is ready to give an option in contrast to hypodermic infusion too1–4. For a great many years, individuals have put substances on the skin for helpful impacts and, in the advanced period, an assortment of effective definitions have been created to treat neighborhood signs. The main transdermal framework for fundamental conveyance—a three-day fix that conveys scopolamine to treat movement ailment—was endorsed for use in the United States in 1979. After 10 years, nicotine patches turned into the principal transdermal blockbuster, raising the profile of transdermal conveyance in medication and for people in general all in all. Today, there are 19 transdermal conveyance frameworks for such medications as estradiol, fentanyl, lidocaine and testosterone; blend patches containing more than one medication for contraception and hormone substitution; and iontophoretic and ultrasonic conveyance frameworks for absense of pain. Somewhere in the range of 1979 and 2002, another fix was endorsed on normal each 2.2 years. In the course of recent years (2003–2007), that rate has dramatically multiplied to another transdermal conveyance framework each 7.5 months. It is assessed that more than one billion transdermal patches are presently made every year.
Transdermal conveyance has an assortment of points of interest contrasted and the oral course. Specifically, it is utilized when there is a critical first-pass impact of the liver that can rashly use drugs. Transdermal conveyance additionally has favorable circumstances over hypodermic infusions, which are excruciating, produce risky clinical waste and represent the danger of illness transmission by needle re-use, particularly in agricultural nations. Furthermore, transdermal frameworks are non-obtrusive and can act naturally directed. They can give delivery to significant stretches of time (as long as multi week). They additionally improve tolerant consistence and the frameworks are commonly reasonable.
Maybe the best test for transdermal conveyance is that lone a predetermined number of medications are amiable to organization by this course. With momentum conveyance strategies, fruitful transdermal medications have sub-atomic masses that are just up to two or three hundred Daltons, display octanol-water parcel coefficients that vigorously favor lipids and require portions of milligrams every day or less. It has been hard to abuse the transdermal course to convey hydrophilic medications; the transdermal convey of peptides and macromolecules, including new hereditary treatment utilizing DNA or little meddling RNA (siRNA), has presented specific difficulties.
Another region of incredible interest is the conveyance of immunizations. Notwithstanding keeping away from hypodermic needles, transdermal immunization conveyance could improve insusceptible reactions by focusing on conveyance to immunogenic Langerhans cells in the skin. Given the outside position and patient command over patches, it may likewise be conceivable to create regulated or pulsatile conveyance, which could include criticism control. Undoubtedly, a pain relieving patch was as of late affirmed in the United States that utilizes persistent managed conveyance of fentanyl balanced by power to control torment (iontophoresis), which has additionally been dispatched in Europe.
Transdermal conveyance offers convincing occasions to improve immunization organization. In spite of the fact that immunizations are regularly macromolecules, viral particles, or other enormous supramolecular develops, their little (microgram) portions encourage the chance of transdermal conveyance. Antibody conveyance through the skin is considerably more appealing in light of the fact that it focuses on the intense epidermal Langerhans and dermal dendritic cells that may create a solid safe reaction at much lower dosages than more profound infusion. The best immunization ever—the smallpox antibody, which annihilated the illness around the world—was directed through the skin with the guide of a little needle gadget to break the layer corneum boundary. Albeit compelling, this methodology doesn't give great authority over conveyance, which has propelled advancement of new conveyance strategies.
End of the requirement for hypodermic needles further spurs transdermal immunization advancement. In reality as we know it where needle reuse slaughters at any rate 1.3 million individuals for each year from hepatitis B and AIDS, sans needle, fix based immunization could have huge effect. Likewise, the chance of directing antibody fixes by insignificantly prepared staff or patients themselves couldn't just encourage consistence with normal, occasional and pandemic immunization needs, yet could likewise assist inoculation crusades in agricultural nations where clinical work force are hard to come by. Viable immunization through the skin might be accomplished by expanding skin penetrability to the antibody utilizing the techniques talked about in this audit. A portion of the actual improvement strategies have been appeared to have extra adjuvant impacts that expansion insusceptible reaction further. The resistant reaction can likewise be uplifted by adding compound adjuvants.
ほぼすべての経皮吸収型製剤では、薬剤は容器に保管され、容器の片側は不浸透性の支持体で覆われ、反対側は皮膚に接触する接着剤が付いています62。一部の製剤では、液体またはゲルベースの容器に分解された薬剤を使用しており、これにより成分が強化され、エタノールなどの液体成分増強剤の使用が可能になります。これらの製剤は、通常、不浸透性の支持体フィルム、薬剤容器、速度制限境界として機能する半浸透性のフィルム、および接着剤層の 4 つの層で構成されています。他の製剤では、薬剤を強力なポリマー ネットワークに融合し、製造を簡素化します。格子構造は、半浸透性のフィルムを取り除いて 3 層にすることも、薬剤を接着剤に直接融合して 2 層にすることもできます。