受精ジャーナル:体外受精 - 体外受精 - 世界中、生殖医学、遺伝学、幹細胞生物学

受精ジャーナル:体外受精 - 体外受精 - 世界中、生殖医学、遺伝学、幹細胞生物学

ISSN: 2375-4508

音量 9, 問題 3 (2021)


Serious Impact of Deficiency of Liquid Nitrogen in Cryogenic Containers and Quality Control for Preservation of Gametes and Embryos

Aya Al-Ibraheemi, Mustafa Zakaria, Wassym R. Senhaji, Mohamed Zarqaoui, Romaissa Boutiche, Mohammed Ennaji, Ritu S. Santwani, Valeria E. Canada, Noureddine Louanjli, Abdelhafid Natiq



Indications of Failure to Retrieve Sperm from Patients with Severe or Non-Obstructive Azoospermia on the Day of Oocyte Retrieval and How are the Results of Emergent Ovarian Cryopreservation

Mustafa Zakaria, Marcuse F. Steven, Noureddine Louanjli, Wassym R. Senhaji, Aya Al-Ibraheemi, Romaissa Boutiche, Naima El-Yousfi, Mohammed Ennaji, Ritu S. Santwani, Mohamed Zarqaoui

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